
The base URL for our API is

Accessing The API

You can only access our API using HTTP GET requests, which is widely supported by native code and the web-based languages used in hybrid apps, and every request will return JSON data.

Request Status & Errors

We return four basic HTTP responses.

  • 200 - means your request was completed successfully.
  • 403 - means that the request does not have the appropriate permissions.
  • 400 - means that permission has been given to carry out the request, but one or more parameters are missing or invalid.
  • 500 or 501 - generally means you have encountered an error in the Cloud App Licenser core.

The JSON data returned by our API will always include the "status" parameter of the request. If any error has occurred that has prevented the request from being fulfilled, the "errorcode" parameter will also be returned, which you can use to modify your app's behavior or provide your user with an appropriate error message. Please refer to our API Reference to view a list of possible error codes for each request.


Or, if the request has been completed successfully:



Your app's Unique ID and Security Tokens are available in your Dashboard, and both must be included in the query string with each API request:


If an authentication error occurs, the "errorcode" parameter will return one of the following values:

  • 001 - The App's Unique ID or Security Token is missing.
  • 002 - The App's Unique ID or Security Token supplied is invalid.

Dates & Times

All events recorded by the Cloud App Licenser API are stored in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Any requests to the API that return JSON data containing date/time values include the option to offset the date/time returned to match the user's local timezone (as set for their device). For example, you could offset the time by 300 if the user's timezone is five hours ahead of UTC.

Device Universally Unique Identifier

Some requests to the Cloud App Licenser API require the ID of the user's device (Universally Unique Identifier or "UUID"). It is important that the "deviceid" parameter passed to our API is real so that your app interacts with our system in the expected way.